
Just like an InBody machine provides precise insights into your body composition, inbuilding offers a comprehensive snapshot of your building's energy efficiency and sustainability.

What is Local Law 97 (LL97)?

In New York City, over two thirds of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions come from buildings. Local Law 97 of 2019 as amended (LL97) is one of the most ambitious plans for reducing emissions in the nation. Under this groundbreaking law, most buildings over 25,000 square feet are required to meet new GHG emissions limits beginning in 2024, with stricter limits coming into effect in 2030. The goal is to reduce the emissions produced by the City’s largest buildings 40 percent by 2030 and to net zero by 2050.

Covered Buildings

The square footage of a building, as it appears in the records of the NYC Department of Finance (DOF), determines whether a building may be subject to LL97 compliance. LL97 covers:

  • a building that exceeds 25,000 gross square feet
  • two or more buildings on the same tax lot that together exceed 50,000 square feet
  • two or more condominium buildings governed by the same board of managers and that together exceed 50,000 square feet

Carbon Fine Calculation Process

Carbon Fines ($/ year) = (Carbon Emission (tco2/ year) - Carbon Cap (tco2/ year)) * 268 ($/ tco2)

Carbon Emission = ∑(Energy usage * Energy Emission Coefficient)
The actual emissions of a building are calculated based on energy consumption data. This includes electricity, natural gas, fuel oil, district steam, and other energy sources.
Energy consumption is converted to CO₂ equivalent emissions using conversion factors.

Carbon Cap = ∑(Floor area * Emission Limit)
Each building type has a specific emissions limit expressed in metric tons of CO₂ equivalent per square foot. The emissions limits become progressively stricter over time, with initial limits starting in 2024 and more stringent limits set for 2030 and beyond.

Important Notes

  • Energy usage data is based on the most recent NYC Local Law 84 data (calendar year 2023).
  • Carbon fine amounts provided are ESTIMATED. The first official fine amounts will be determined based on the annual emission report due by May 2025.
  • Local Law 84 dataset includes only the three largest property types per property. Any additional property types (e.g., fourth and fifth) are ignored.